Friday, November 1, 2019

Islamic religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Islamic religion - Essay Example Moreover, Islam, like Christianity and Judaism is a monotheistic faith; meaning that Muslims believe in but one God – Allah. A secondary and equally important factor of being a Muslim is the belief in and attribution of Mohammed as the Prophet of Allah. Muslims believe that the Prophet Mohammed is the last messenger of God’s truth on earth. In this way, all of the other representations that have come before, Noah, Moses, and even Jesus, are subject to the ultimate revelations that Mohammed as revealed through the Angel Gabriel. To be a Muslim requires one to follow the laws and directives lain out by Mohammed’s followers within the Holy Qur’an; Islam’s most holy text. Moreover, feasts should be celebrated, purity should be retained, apostasy abhorred, and refusal of certain unclean meats. Besides the following of the letter of the law laid out in the Qur’an it is also required that an individual, if they are physically or financially able must make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca within their

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